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“Don’t Take Away Javi’s Chance at a Future”: A Parent’s Plea to Eliminate Proposed Medicaid Cuts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, The Arc released a video which highlights how the House-passed cut to Medicaid funding negatively impact people with disabilities’ ability to live independently. The video features a conversation with Linda and her son, Javi, from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Javi has autism and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a condition that affects connective tissues in the body and causes joint dislocations, bleeding, pain and fatigue. He has had multiple painful surgeries over the past decade and requires medication and other therapies to live independently. Due to his Medicaid-funded medical treatment and supports, Javi was able to attend college and graduate with skills that he can take into the workforce. If federal Medicaid funding is cut, Javi risks losing the supports he needs to be able to work in the community and live at home.

Recently, the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which included over $800 billion in cuts over 10 years to federal funding for Medicaid programs. The Arc is launching this video amidst negotiations in the Senate on this bill, and on the heels of the Trump Administration releasing its first budget proposal with includes an additional $610 billion in cuts to Medicaid.

The AHCA cut would not only force states to cut eligibility for state Medicaid programs, but will also diminish the quality and quantity of services that are provided to people who are already enrolled in these programs. For many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Medicaid generally is the only source of funds for them to live and work in the community with friends and families and avoid costly, harmful, and segregated institutions.

“I lay awake at night worrying. Without Medicaid, I don’t even see a future (for Javi),” says Linda in the video. “If I were to say one thing to the President and Congress I would say: Don’t take away Javi’s chance at a future.”

“Javi is living a life of his choosing, contributing to his community and thriving. These drastic cuts to Medicaid could take it all away from Javi and the millions of other people with disabilities who rely on daily supports and services to be in the community. The AHCA takes away independence, dignity, and decades of progress. We must now rely on the Senate stop this catastrophe,” said Marty Ford, Senior Executive Officer, The Arc.

This video is the fifth in a series of videos The Arc is releasing, sharing the personal stories of people with disabilities and their families, and the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid on their lives.

The Arc advocates for and serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), including Down syndrome, autism, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, cerebral palsy and other diagnoses. The Arc has a network of over 650 chapters across the country promoting and protecting the human rights of people with I/DD and actively supporting their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes and without regard to diagnosis.