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Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Recommends The Arc

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney recommended The Arc along with just 19 other national nonprofits to individual investor clients through their Holiday Gift Catalog. That means that high net worth investors (we’re talking millionaires and billionaires) received a beautifully-produced catalog this holiday season containing MSSB’s list of the top twenty organizations deserving of their support. The list is eclectic to say the least, including Doctors Without Borders, The Julliard School and the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. But, as Douglas Ketterer, MSSB’s Head of U.S. Private Wealth Management says in his introduction to the catalog, “This publication contains a wide assortment of unique gifts and exceptional funding opportunities offered by 20 highly vetted nonprofit organizations.” He goes on to state that each organization was chosen based on an application in which they were asked to illustrate how they fulfill a crucial need that would otherwise go unmet in the community.

We take inclusion in this catalog as a very high compliment – and as a supporter of The Arc, so should you. Members of the intellectual and developmental disability community are all too aware of the crucial needs The Arc meets for individuals with I/DD and their families every day. This wider recognition in MSSBs catalog and promotion to their wealthy and powerful clients can do nothing but help further our mission.

We crafted three unique “gifts” to help those investors connect with The Arc. The catalog recipients will find a special donation page through at button on our home page reflecting our listing in the catalog. All of these gifts relate to direct service programs offered by our chapters, and dollars received from these gifts will be re-granted to chapters. Happy holidays, everyone!