Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Silent Epidemic

This webinar explains what abuse is, the different forms abuse can take, and tells victims how they can report abuse.

Join us for a webinar featuring a self-advocacy PSA, “Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Silent Epidemic,” by powerful self-advocates Kecia Weller and Molly Kennedy. Molly will join us as a presenter to explain what abuse is and the different forms abuse can take, and tell victims how to report abuse. She will explain the word “intimidation”, and help victims understand that abuse is always unacceptable.

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Using Model Protocols to Guide Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims with Disabilities

Domestic and sexual violence against people with disabilities occurs at pandemic rates and yet offenders are rarely held accountable. Through an Office on Violence Against Women Arrest grant, Illinois developed model protocols for law enforcement and prosecutors that provide guidance for responding to violent crimes against people with disabilities. The protocols were developed through the collaborative efforts of victims with disabilities, law enforcement, prosecutors, victim services, disability service providers and other allies committed to criminal justice for crime victims with disabilities. The protocols guide law enforcement and prosecutors in responding to domestic violence and sexual assault victims with disabilities through model guidelines, investigative procedures, pre-trail motion examples, and legal considerations. This webinar will highlight Illinois’ statewide effort to develop the model protocols including the collaborative multi-disciplinary process, design challenges, training and technical assistance components and lessons learned. Key areas of the protocol will be reviewed as well as the process for statewide implementation. NCCJD webinar presenter, Shirley Paceley, working alongside victims with disabilities, facilitated the work group which developed the protocols; provided training of trainers on the protocols and is providing training and technical assistance across the state as the protocols are implemented.


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Assisting Crime Victims With Disabilities: Identifying Barriers & Improving Law Enforcement Response

Domestic and sexual violence against people with disabilities occurs at pandemic rates and yet offenders are rarely held accountable. Through an Office on Violence Against Women Arrest grant, Illinois developed model protocols for law enforcement and prosecutors that provide guidance for responding to violent crimes against people with disabilities. The protocols were developed through the collaborative efforts of victims with disabilities, law enforcement, prosecutors, victim services, disability service providers and other allies committed to criminal justice for crime victims with disabilities. The protocols guide law enforcement and prosecutors in responding to domestic violence and sexual assault victims with disabilities through model guidelines, investigative procedures, pre-trial motion examples, and legal considerations. This webinar highlights Illinois’ statewide effort to develop the model protocols including the collaborative multi-disciplinary process, design challenges, training and technical assistance components and lessons learned. Key areas of the protocol will be reviewed as well as the process for statewide implementation. NCCJD webinar presenter, Shirley Paceley, working alongside victims with disabilities, facilitated the work group which developed the protocols; provided training of trainers on the protocols and provided training and technical assistance across the state as the protocols were implemented.

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Connecting the Dots and Building Collaboration to Support People With Disabilities Who Experience Sexual Violence

The issue of sexual victimization presents a huge grey area that is often side stepped, leaving survivors without supports and services. Dr. Frantz shares important information criminal justice and disability professionals need to know about how to effectively serve these victims and how our own attitudes, experiences, and skill set influence how we respond to survivors with disabilities. Participants learn how “word choice” can impact the type of sexual assault services victims receive, the importance of “touch” as a proactive strategy for reducing risk of sexual victimization and understand how survivors with complex communication needs can testify in court.

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Understanding Behavioral Changes in Adults with IDD and Dementia

$10 fee to view. This webinar dives into the behavioral aspects of dementia in persons with IDD. Dr. Kathie Bishop and Ms. Kathleen Pears will team up and go into detail regarding symptoms and behaviors associated with dementia in this population, and how sensory challenges can often be misinterpreted and associated with dementia. Environmental factors that can contribute to certain behaviors are introduced as well as changes that you can make in an individual’s environment that will help to reduce specific attributes as well.

Dementia in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

$10 fee to view. Dr. Ronald Lucchino, Ph.D. President of the Board for the Southwest Florida Area Agency on Aging, gives a comprehensive overview of dementia. In this webinar he describes behaviors and symptoms of dementia, the different types and risk factors to miss-diagnosing an adult with an intellectual disability with dementia. Examples will be given to show the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia in adults with IDD as opposed to the general population.

What’s For Dinner? Planning for Success in Healthy Eating

$10 fee to view. In this webinar you will learn ways to set everyone up for success in maintaining a healthy diet in a person-centered way. Healthy eating and informed choices start with the people we support. At the end of this webinar participants will be able to demonstrate the “choose 3” method of balancing a meal, creating a planning system for meals, and infusing person-centered practices into the menu planning process.

Creating Resiliency in Families Living with FASD: Moving from Grief to Empowerment 

$10 to view. Families that are raising children with effects from prenatal alcohol exposure, known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) oftentimes find themselves having to become experts on the topic. They often have to educate their health care providers, educators, counselors, and others that provide treatment and support for their loved ones. It is easy for these families to burn out and fall into a feeling of helplessness or despair. Kathy Mitchell, Vice President and National Spokesperson for the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) reviews some of the behavioral characteristics of individuals with FASD through the lifespan and discusses how families are also affected through the lifespan. She reviews the stages of denial and grief often experienced by family members, focusing on the importance of self-care for parents and caretakers. She also provides suggestions on how to deal with stress and develop a positive mindset that can allow families to move from grief and frustration to a place of acceptance. Current resources and supports are provided that are available for individuals and family members with FASD.

Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Dementia; Assessment and Healthcare Practices

$10 fee to view. Adults with IDD are aging and living longer than ever. Decline in their daily function with the possibility of developing dementia increases with age, especially in adults with Down syndrome. Seth Keller, MD Immediate Past President of the AADMD and Co-Chair of the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices reviews how changes in function can be assessed so that an accurate and early diagnosis of dementia can be determined. Health care advocacy and practices are all essential in ensuring that appropriate therapies and planning for eventual decline and associated complications are anticipated and cared for. The guidelines of the National Task Group is also be reviewed.

Putting Nutrition on Your Radar 

It is very easy to get caught up in modern day diet fads, juice cleanses, etc. and not know what or who to believe anymore. Judith Dodd, MS, RD, LDN is a registered dietician and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh. She provides an update on current nutrition/diet guidelines to help put nutrition back on your radar. Judith takes an in-depth look at the facts versus fallacies to divulge what’s true and expose what’s not. Choosing the healthier option in the grocery store can often times be difficult and mislead. Judith also provides us with tips on food selection and guidelines to help make grocery shopping healthier and easier. Resources to healthy eating and nutrition for the future are also supplied. Learn the facts of how to have a healthy diet without all the hassle!