Position Statement: Employment

Position statement of The Arc and the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on employment.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the federal agency responsible for enforcing federal laws against discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.

Disability Employment Statistics

Read the employment statistics for people with disabilities from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Employment First

Employment First resources from the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Social Stories: Resources for Adults with High Functioning Autism

This webpage provides social stories around events, workplace situations, and common errands to help people better understand social etiquette and expectations.

My Next Move

This website helps job seekers think about what they would like to do for a living or do next, including the ability to search for career options by keyword, industry, or through a survey. This website was created by the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.

Medicaid Employment Initiatives

Some people who receive funding from Medicaid may be eligible to use Medicaid money to pay for some employment services. It may be possible to use the funding to hire a job coach or personal assistant or to pay for supported employment services. It is important for you to check with your Medicaid case manager about what funds can be used to support employment. This webpage provides more information on the types of services that may be covered to help people find or keep a job that Medicaid may pay for.