Join NCCJD as we explore the concept of competency for individuals with I/DD in the criminal justice system. Topics addressed will include the competency to stand trial process, the differences between competency and the insanity defense, importing death penalty standards for individuals with I/DD into competency determinations, competency evaluation wait times, and the impact that guardianship and supported decision making have on competency in criminal cases. Individuals familiar with I/DD will get an introduction to competency issues that people with I/DD may face while legal professionals will gain insight into the specific implications of I/DD within the conceptual framework of competency. The speakers for this webinar are authors of our new white paper, Competency of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System: A Call to Action for the Criminal Justice Community.
Robert Fleischner, Assistant Director, Center for Public Representation
Claudia Center, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Disability Rights Program
Robert Dinerstein, Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Experiential Education, Director of Disability Rights Law Clinic, American University Washington College of Law
Andrew Flood, Stanford Law School
Brooke Boutwell, Wake Forest University School of Law, NCCJD Intern
Hillary Frame, Wake Forest University School of Law, NCCJD Intern