Know Your Rights as a Person With a Disability in the Criminal Justice System

People with disabilities have rights. Rights are a form of protection. They help people be treated fairly. People with disabilities have rights in the criminal justice system. This includes the right to equal access and the right to effective communication. This webinar helps people with IDD understand and advocate for their rights in the criminal justice system. Our presenters cover the barriers within the justice system, explain two key rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and help identify available resources.

You can see the slides from this webinar here.


  • Reginald Thomas, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability
  • Dori Tempio, ABLE South Carolina


  • Ariel Simms, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability

For further questions, please email

Criminal Justice 101

The criminal justice system is very confusing. It is not easy to understand. People with disabilities often get involved in the system. They can get involved as witnesses, victims, or suspects/defendants. A victim is someone who is hurt when a crime is committed. A suspect or defendant is someone who has been accused of a crime. Topics addressed on this webinar include explaining how one may get involved in the justice system, the stages within the justice system, and the roles of key players within the justice system.

You can view webinar slides here.


Reginald Thomas, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability

Ariel Simms, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability

For further questions, please email

Palmer v. Georgia

State: Georgia

Filed: July 6, 2020

Court: Supreme Court of Georgia

Overview: This amicus brief challenges Georgia’s “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard in determining intellectual disability in death penalty cases as creating a constitutionally unacceptable risk that defendants who have legitimate claims of intellectual disability will nonetheless be sentenced to death.

Excerpt: “Georgia was the first state in the Nation to establish a prohibition against executing individuals with ID thirteen years before the U.S. Supreme Court established a constitutional exemption in Atkins, and its leadership on the issue is to be commended…Despite Georgia’s early leadership on the issue, since Atkins not a single defendant in Georgia has been held to be exempt from execution due to ID pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 17-7-131.6 As set forth below, this onerous burden of “beyond a reasonable doubt” is inconsistent with the clinical diagnostic process and encourages jurors to default to stereotypes about people with ID.”

Case Documents

Amicus Brief

Related Media

Press Release: The Arc Calls for Georgia Supreme Court to Reexamine Unconstitutional Standard for Proving Intellectual Disability in Death Penalty Cases

Talk About Sexual Violence: Survivor Perspectives

Two survivors of sexual violence discuss their experiences and journey of healing.

Cropp v. Larimer County

State: Colorado

Filed: December 18, 2019

Court: Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals

Overview: The amicus brief supported Mr. Cropp’s petition for a rehearing en banc. Mr. Cropp is an individual with Alzheimer’s who was arrested after police found him wandering in his neighborhood and tackled him to the ground when he would not answer their questions. His wife came to visit him in jail and asked for an accommodation to be able to sit next to him and explain the release form he was required to fill out in order to leave the jail. Despite knowledge of Mr. Cropp’s disability, the County denied these accommodation requests without making an individualized inquiry or analysis of his communications needs. The district court granted the County’s motion for summary judgement and the Tenth Circuit affirmed.

Excerpt: “The majority’s decision undermines the requirements of Title II in two ways…First, Title II requires that public entities provide communication with disabled people that is “as effective as” communication with nondisabled people. In contrast, the majority would require disabled people to show that communication offered by a public entity was ‘wholly ineffective.’ Second, Title II requires that governmental entities give “primary consideration” to the requests of disabled people in determining the appropriate method of communication with them.”

Case Documents

Amicus Brief

Talk About Sexual Violence: Resources From Other Organizations

Hotlines and Resources for Crime Victims

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization and leading authority on sexual violence, working together to provide services for survivors, inform and educate the nation about sexual violence, and improve the public policy and criminal justice response to sexual violence.

Victim Connect Resource Center: Referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately | 1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)

National Domestic Violence Hotline: Provides tools and support that enable victims to find safety and live lives free of abuse. Hotline (1-800-799-7233) available in more than 20 languages.

California Victims of Crime Resource Center (VCRC): Located on the Pacific McGeorge School of Law campus in Sacramento, CA. VCRC provides a confidential hotline (1-800-VICTIMS) for information and referrals statewide to victims, their families, service providers, and advocates.

Crime Victim Compensation Program Initiative: Every state has a crime victim compensation program, with funds available to help crime victims recover from financial losses resulting from victimization. Factsheet available here.

Vera Institute of Justice: How Safe are Americans with Disabilities? Fact sheet and report about violent crimes and their implications.

Reporting to Police: A Guide for Victims of Sexual Abuse: Where and how a victim can report abuse.

Mandatory Reporting Laws

Most states have mandatory reporting laws for health care professionals which require reporting of specified injuries and suspected abuse that includes sexual assault or domestic violence. Laws vary from state to state.

RAINN: Mandatory Reporting Requirements for California: Information on reporting requirements.

California’s Domestic Violence & Mandatory Reporting Law: Requirements for health care practitioners, common questions, and answers on reporting requirements.

Reporting Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse: It is YOUR Duty: California’s Protection & Advocacy System Information on mandatory reporting.

Compendium of State Statutes and Policies on Domestic Violence and Health Care (2013): Provides a summary of state and U.S. territory laws, regulations, and other activities relevant to addressing domestic violence in health care settings.

Patient-Centered Communication

Patient-centered communication includes listening to, informing, and involving patients in their care.

Interviewing Victims of Sexual Assault as Part of Sex Offender Management: A guide for interviewing victims of crime.

U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crimes:. Techniques for interviewing victims with communication and/or cognitive disabilities.

Patient-Centered Communication Basic Skills: Communication skills needed by health care providers for patient-centered care.

Teach Back

The Teach Back method confirms whether a patient (or caretaker) understands what is explained to them.

Quick Guide to Health Literacy: Health Literacy Basics: Illustrates one of the pervasive problems in medicine: Americans’ low levels of health literacy (the ability to obtain, understand, and use health information).

The Teach-Back Method: Learn about Teach Back, a way to confirm that you have explained to the patient what they need to know in a way the patient understands.

Always Use Teach-Back: Toolkit to help health care providers learn to use Teach Back to support patients and families.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

AAC includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) used for expression. It includes our facial expressions or gestures, use of symbols or pictures, and writing. People with severe speech or language difficulties rely on AAC to supplement existing speech or replace it altogether.

Types of AAC Systems, Devices, and Aides: A quick introduction to what AAC is, as well as types of AAC that are commonly used.

AAC Institute: Resources enhancing communication of people who rely on AAC through service delivery, research, activity organization, information dissemination, and education.

International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Provides awareness about how AAC helps individuals without speech by sharing information and promoting approaches to research, technology and literacy.

Sexual Violence and Abuse Prevention

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Library on Victims with Disabilities: Publications, forums, and other resources.

Disability & Abuse Project: National survey that focuses on incidents of, response to, and attitudes about crime victimization of children and adults with disabilities.

Crime Against Persons With Disabilities, 2009-2015: Infographic on crimes against people with disabilities.

Recognition of a Pattern, Call for a Response: The “Rule Out Abuse Campaign” calls for practitioners to pay closer attention to abuse as a possible cause when examining people with disabilities who have experienced significant changes in behavior.

Victimization of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury or Other Disabilities: Fact sheet for professionals. 

Peer Advocacy

Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Silent Epidemic: A public service video to encourage people with disabilities to speak up about abuse.

Myths and Facts About Male Sexual Abuse and Assault: Cultural myths surrounding the sexual abuse and assault of boys and men can be serious obstacles to understanding and healing, so it’s important distinguish myth from fact.

Sexual Assault Against Men and Boys: Information from RAINN on basic facts around sexual assault of men and boys, as well as how to find help and support survivors.

Sexual Victimization of Men with Disabilities and Deaf Men: Men with disabilities experience victimization, including sexual violence, at rates higher than their counterparts without disabilities.

Peer-to-Peer: A written guide for a course to help self-advocates become peer supporters.

Real Talk: Improving Quality of Sexual Health Care for Patients with Disabilities. A guide for sexual and reproductive health providers about inclusion and accommodations when working with people with all types of disabilities.

A Letter for My Doctors: A fill-in the blanks tool to help self-advocates make their own health care decisions.


Talk About Sexual Violence: Peer Advocates Talk

This video can be used in tandem with our self-advocate conversation guide to discuss sexual violence and support people with disabilities who have experienced it (also available in Spanish).

English Transcript  |  Spanish Transcript 

Talk About Sexual Violence: Phase Two Training Tools

These tools can be used in tandem with our videos “How to Have the Conversation with Male Survivors”, “James Goes to the Doctor”, and “Peer Advocates Talk” to discuss sexual violence and support men who have experienced it.

Guide for Health Care Providers

This Guide is a companion piece that accompanies the Talk About Sexual Violence videos. Health care professionals can use this Guide, along with the PowerPoint slides and online resources, to learn about ways to talk about sexual violence with men who have IDD. It provides practical approaches health care professionals can use to create safe environments to openly talk about this topic.

English  |  Spanish


Guide for Self-Advocates

This guide explains how to talk to your health care provider about sexual violence.

English  |  Spanish


PowerPoint Slides

To be used in presentations.

English  |  Spanish


Referral Cards Template

Talk About Sexual Violence: James Goes to the Doctor

This video can be used in tandem with our charts and other training tools to discuss sexual violence and support men who have experienced it.

English Transcript  |  Spanish Transcript 

Talk About Sexual Violence: How to Have the Conversation With Male Survivors

This video can be used in tandem with our charts and other training tools to discuss sexual violence and support men who have experienced it.


English Transcript  |  Spanish Transcript