394 search results for: Autism


Autism Acceptance: Accept Me, Not A Label

By Amy Goodman, M.A. Autism is not something to be feared, nor is it solely defined by medical jargon or categories. It needs to be accepted as the way an individual thinks, feels, and expresses themselves; nothing more, nothing less. An individual who happens to have a diagnosis needs to be accepted as a human […]


Autism CARES Act Is Law

The Arc celebrates the enactment of the “Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2014.” This law reauthorizes the Combating Autism Act of 2011 for five years and makes a number of improvements to it. President Obama signed the legislation into law on August 8, 2014. Since its original enactment in 2006, […]


A Mother’s Open Letter to The Arc About Wings for Autism

Dear Sarah, I am writing to express my continued gratitude for the Wings For Autism event held in Anchorage, Alaska. Our 11 year old son Jack experiences high functioning autism, which he was diagnosed with at four years of age. While Jack did fly at ages 5 months and 9 months respectively, in his memory […]


April Is Autism Awareness Month

April is national Autism Awareness Month and The Arc and the Autism NOW National Autism Resource & Information Center are working to empower people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with the information and resources they need to live their lives to the fullest potential. We are also working to help others become more accepting of […]


Reflecting on Wings for Autism

By Sylvia Fuerstenberg, Executive Director of The Arc of King County Wings for Autism took flight at SeaTac Airport, and it was a great success. I am so grateful for all of the families who took part in our launch, as well as the many volunteers who made the event a success. The commitment of […]


Wings for Autism™ Program Takes Off Nationally in Seattle

Seattle, WA – Tomorrow, The Arc will hold its first Wings for Autism™ event at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport​ (Sea-Tac), in partnership with Alaska Airlines, the Port of Seattle, the Transportation Security Administration, and The Arc of King County. Wings for Autism™, one of The Arc’s newest national initiatives, is an airport “rehearsal” specially designed for […]


The Arc and Specialisterne USA to Work Together on US Expansion of Model to Employ People With Autism in Tech Industry

Washington, DC – As the World Economic Forum kicks off in Davos, Switzerland, The Arc and Specialisterne USA are announcing a new agreement to help Specialisterne replicate its successful model of employing people with autism in the tech industry in the United States. By utilizing The Arc’s strong network of chapters, Specialisterne USA and The […]


The Arc’s Statement on New CDC Autism Data on Minneapolis Somali Population

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new project findings on the prevalence rate of 1 in 32 Somali children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Minneapolis. While the report says that Somali children with ASD are more likely to have cognitive disabilities and more significant disabilities than all other racial groups, […]