394 search results for: Autism


Convention Day Two: Honors, New Projects, and Reflecting on the Past and Future

The second and final day of The Arc’s 2010 National Convention wrapped up yesterday, and the highlights flowed all day. In fact, there were so many highlights, we’re putting them into a list! Here are the top five moments from day two at The Arc’s 2010 National Convention: 1. Paul Marchand, the longtime Director of […]


The Arc of Indiana’s John Dickerson on the “Real Problem”

On Wednesday, the Associated Press reported that some state workers in Indiana suggested leaving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities at homeless shelters if they can’t be cared for at home due to decreased funding for support services. The Arc of Indiana’s John Dickerson wrote on his blog about the “real problem.” He said: No family […]


Top 10 Reasons to Attend The Arc’s National Convention in Florida

1. Get an overview of the newly established Autism NOW! Center funded by a $1.87 million grant from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities. 2. Hear from Sharon Lewis, Commissioner of the ADD, and Melody Musgrove, Director of the Office of Special Education, U.S. Department of Education. Both are speaking at this year’s plenary session. 3. […]


The Arc Participates in Amicus Brief in Virginia v. Sebelius Case

Advocates Press to Protect Americans from Frivolous Lawsuits from Insurance Co. Abuse The Arc of the United States (The Arc), the nation’s oldest and largest advocacy group for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, joined with other disability and disease‐specific organizations to support the arguments of the United States in opposing the Commonwealth of Virginia’s […]