405 search results for: Autism


Rhode Island Advocate to Testify in Congress on Impact of Restraint and Seclusion on Son With Autism

On Wednesday, February 27, Rhode Island advocate Renee Smith will testify in Congress before the U.S. House Education and Labor’s Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education hearing on the use of restraint and seclusion in schools. The hearing is titled “Classrooms in Crisis: Examining the Inappropriate Use of Seclusion and Restraint Practices”, and […]


Why I Support The Arc of the United States: Autism Acceptance and Inclusion in Action

By: Nicole Jorwic, Chris’ Sister, Director of Rights Policy, The Arc of the United States My home state of Illinois still has seven state-run institutions for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) open. In 2018, 37 states still have institutions where people with I/DD live institutional lives away from their families and communities. Some […]


When Will Employment First Be a Reality? This Autism Acceptance Month, It’s NOW in Wisconsin

The Arc Wisconsin celebrates a major victory in Wisconsin, the passage of a ground-breaking Employment First bill that will hold state agencies accountable to update and improve policies, set benchmarks and report on their progress to increase the number of people with disabilities in Wisconsin working in competitive integrated employment. One of The Arc Wisconsin’s […]


The Arc Takes to the Air for Autism Acceptance Month

Thank you so much for facilitating the Wings for Autism program which was held in Mobile, AL Saturday. We attended this activity with our daughter who has Down Syndrome. She has never flown. She thrives on rehearsing a situation prior to its occurrence and her participation in this event allowed her to store background knowledge […]


Autism Now on the Road: Talking About Bullying

By Amy Goodman, Director Autism Now The launch of my newest feature on Autism Now: Public Speaking has gone well. I have presented two times. I presented on Marriage, Dating, and Relationships at The Arc of Alabama’s conference in October, and I just presented in New York about Adult Bullying. This presentation focused on what […]


Autism Now’s New Service: Public Speaking Engagements

By: Amy Goodman, Director of Autism Now What’s new with Autism Now, you ask? Well, one of my new roles as director is doing consulting work that involves public speaking. Public speaking is something that is difficult for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but in order to overcome my fear of people and being […]