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TSA Screening Process for Travelers with Autism

Watch step-by-step what is involved in the TSA security screening process before you come to the airport.

TSA Precheck

TSA Precheck allows you to speed through security quicker without having to remove to remove your shoes, laptops, liquids, belts, or jackets. Find out if TSA Precheck is right for you and your family.

TSA Cares

TSA Cares is a helpline that provides travelers with disabilities, medical conditions, and other special circumstances onsite assistance on the day of your flight during the security screening process.

How The Arc Supports Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Workplaces

In this webinar, The Arc@Work speaks to international influencer Debra Ruh on what The Arc does to create inclusive workplaces and promote disability hiring.

IDD and Mental Health: What We Are Learning About Challenges and Needs

This webinar reviews two recent projects to learn more about what people with IDD and mental illness need and how to better support people and families.