Differences Between Family Caregivers of Family Members With I/DD and Other Caregivers

In 2017, the Research and Training Center on Community Living (RTC/CL) at the University of Minnesota and The Arc of the United States (The Arc) conducted an online survey, the Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) survey. The purpose of FINDS is to better understand the experiences of families who provide supports to a family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). In this data brief, we compare caregiving experiences of family caregivers for adults with I/DD with those of caregivers who responded to the Caregiving in the U.S. (CUS) survey in 2015 in order to better understand the experiences of caregivers of family members with lifelong disabilities compared to the experiences of caregivers of those who are aging or have acquired disabilities in adulthood. There were some important differences between the groups, including the duration of caregiving and the types of supports provided.