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Training Needs of Professionals Who Serve People With I/DD and Mental Health Needs and Their Families

Up to 40% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) experience co-occurring mental illness. Despite the prevalence of mental health needs among people with I/DD, little is known about the best approaches for supporting the needs of people with I/DD and co-occurring mental health challenges and their families. In 2019 as part of its work as an FSRTC partner, The Arc conducted focus groups that probed the training needs of and barriers that disability, mental health, and education professionals face.

2018 Support Needs of People with I/DD and Co-Occurring Mental Health Challenges and their Families

This brief explores the challenges people with I/DD and mental illness and their families face in accessing needed supports, including the need for training, systems change, and greater public awareness of this issue.

IDD and Mental Health: What We Are Learning About Challenges and Needs

This webinar reviews two recent projects to learn more about what people with IDD and mental illness need and how to better support people and families.

Mental Health Courts and Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Criminal Justice Solution?

This webinar covers mental health courts that were created to divert people away from prison into long-term community-based services, but their efficacy for the I/DD population is unclear.

Enhancing Health Care for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This webinar will provide an overview of training materials that can be used to educate healthcare professionals in hospital settings and ways to engage these professionals.