What’s on the Docket? Fall 2018
Rachel Aviv, writing for The New Yorker magazine, recently profiled the segregated and inferior Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Supports (GNETS) program that The Arc, along with the Georgia Advocacy Office and parents of students with disabilities, is challenging in federal court. The article involved the review of over 100 hours of classroom video footage and in-depth interviews with students, family members, and teachers, shedding a human light on the injustices of the GNETS program.
The powerful article involved the review of over 100 hours of classroom video footage and in-depth interviews with students, family members, and teachers, shedding a human light on the injustices of the GNETS program and caught the attention of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and documentary filmmaker Ava DuVernay, among others.
The Arc is also involved in legal advocacy to protect the rights of individuals with I/DD in the criminal justice system, ensure that individuals receiving public benefits and applying for jobs obtain needed accommodations, and advance the rights of students with disabilities receive the supports and services they need to thrive in their neighborhood schools among their peers with and without disabilities. Stay tuned for updates as these cases develop.