Introducing the Direct Support Professional Workforce Development (DSP) Toolkit
To support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, we know just how important it is to attract, recruit, and retain well-qualified Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). With the right DSP, individuals with I/DD receive the support they need to be included and empowered in the community. This is when the DSP Toolkit comes in.
The DSP Toolkit addresses several resources that chapters of The Arc, as well as individuals with disabilities and their family members can use to find and retain quality direct support professionals. Developed for The Arc by the Research and Training Center on Community Living at the University of Minnesota, the toolkit provides tools and resources that are essentially free and available for download, including a realistic job preview, public service announcements, DSP targeted marketing flyers, and more. Take a look at the DSP Toolkit and get started on finding the direct support professional help that is right for you!