Find Medicaid Data State by State
Having information that is specific to your state and/or Congressional district can be very helpful in educating and persuading your Members of Congress. We have identified a few such credible sources of Medicaid data:
State Medicaid Fact Sheets
The Kaiser Family Foundation has created a web site that allows you to create fact sheets comparing your state to others and the nation as a whole. Each fact sheets provides the state’s distribution by insurance status, Medicaid enrollment and spending by group (including people with disabilities), detailed demographic profiles, and more.
State Profiles in Medicaid Spending on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
The Coleman Institute on Developmental Disabilities at the University of Colorado publishes information on revenue, spending, and programmatic trends for intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) services in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States as a whole.
Medicaid State Spending and Your State’s Economy
Families USA has created an interactive website that allow you to enter an amount of Medicaid spending cuts in your state. It then calculates the amount of money lost to the state in business activity, jobs, and salary and wages.
District by District Impact of Medicaid Cuts
Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Member of the House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., Ranking Member of the Health Subcommittee, have released new analyses detailing the impact of the Republican Medicare and Medicaid proposals on each Congressional district.
Medicaid Statistics
The Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP) Payment Advisory Committee, known as MACPAC, provides state-specific information about program enrollment, spending, eligibility levels, optional Medicaid benefits covered, and the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP), as well as an overview of cost-sharing permitted under Medicaid and the dollar amounts of common federal poverty levels (FPLs) used to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP. It also provides information that places these programs in the broader context of state budgets and national health expenditures. View the report.