The Attorney Client Relationship: Bridging the Gap Between Attorneys, Clients With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Their Families

Join NCCJD as we help attorneys, clients and their families understand each other’s needs and obligations during a criminal case, and how they can work together to create a fair and complete attorney/client relationship to ensure the best representation possible for people with I/DD. This webinar will be helpful to attorneys and families alike, as well as other advocates. Mr. Gordo will speak about his son, Paul, who has autism and was charged with assault after experiencing sensory overload at a library. Hear how the Gordo family was able to work with their defense attorney to achieve a modest success and get the charges reduced from a major felony to a misdemeanor that resulted in unrestricted probation. Ms. Kelley will discuss the ethics of representing someone with I/DD in the criminal justice system as well as ways in which families can help attorneys achieve good outcomes. NCCJD’s Criminal Justice Fellow will discuss how the two worlds – clients/families and attorneys – can be brought together and how all parties involved can help each other reach their goals.


Steve Gordo, Parent Advocate
Elizabeth Kelley, Criminal Defense Attorney and Member of the Board of Directors, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Ashley Brompton, Criminal Justice Fellow, NCCJD

Session Slides