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FINDS Community Report 2023: Family & Individual Needs for Disability Supports

The Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) survey provides insights and understanding of the experiences of families supporting a family member with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Jacobs v. Salt Lake City School District

Amicus brief explaining that children with disabilities must have access to education in their neighborhood schools.

Ybarra v. Gittere et. al.

Amicus brief in a death penalty case filed to prevent a man with an intellectual disability from facing execution.

The Arc's Congressional Leave-Behind for the HCBS Relief Act

The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Relief Act of 2023 would provide two years of additional Medicaid funds to improve access to HCBS by increasing direct care worker pay and benefits; decrease the number of people on waiting lists for HCBS; and pay for assistive technologies, staffing, and other costs that facilitate community integration.

Joint Letter of Support: SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act

The Arc submitted a letter of support for the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act.