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35 Results

The Arc's Center for Future Planning

The Arc's Center for Future Planning aims to support and encourage adults with I/DD and their families to plan for the future.

Build Your Plan Tool: The Arc's Center for Future Planning

The Build Your Plan® tool guides people with I/DD and their families through important topics, providing customized information and tips, to help people think about and plan for the future.


TalentScout™ is vital resource and toolkit that gives employers essential insight and tools that harnesses their employees with autism fullest potential and leads to higher levels of productivity in the workplace.

How The Arc Supports Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Workplaces

In this webinar, The Arc@Work speaks to international influencer Debra Ruh on what The Arc does to create inclusive workplaces and promote disability hiring.

Planning for a Future in the Workforce: Jobs, Skills, and Supports

This webinar includes a panel discussion on including employment and job skills as part of planning for the future.