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Undisclosed Podcast: State v. Rocky Myers – Episode 4: Of Mice and Men

Through a review of Rocky Myers’ case in Alabama and a discussion with The Arc’s legal director, this episode explores the Supreme Court’s opinion in Atkins and later decisions holding that executing people with intellectual disability violates the constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Prisons as Institutions: An Overview of Challenges Facing Prisoners with IDD and Proposed Solutions Under the ADA and Other Disability Rights Laws (University of Minnesota Impact Magazine, 2017)

Individuals with IDD are dramatically over-represented in prisons and jails and face unique barriers. Powerful laws exist to protect them, but prisoners need accessible resources to assist them in advocating for their rights. This article explores recommendations to ensure equity for prisoners with IDD.

Using the ADA's 'Integration Mandate' to Disrupt Mass Incarceration (Denver Law Review, 2019)

This document explores how advocates have used, and are beginning to use in new ways, the “integration mandate” of the Americans with Disabilities Act to advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities to avoid unnecessary entanglement with the criminal justice system.

G.T. v. Board of Education of the County of Kanawha

Federal class action lawsuit alleging widespread failures by Kanawha County Schools (West Virginia) to provide behavioral and academic supports to students with disabilities in violation of federal law.

Position Statement: Parents with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities

Position statement of The Arc and the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on parents with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.