Have you ever caught yourself or someone else casually using the R-word? You know the one—that outdated term that’s somehow still in our vocabulary. It might seem harmless, but it’s far from it. The R-word is loaded with hurt, discrimination, and a painful history. Here’s why it’s time we ditched it for good. A Word […]
https://thearc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/R-Word-Respect-375x400-1.jpg400375Jackie Dilworth/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ArcLogo_Color_Rev_PNG_WEB.pngJackie Dilworth2024-10-14 15:55:342024-12-10 14:59:23The R-Word: Why Language Matters and How We Can Do Better
A recent story in The Journal (Martinsburg, WV) about the debate over whether people with disabilities should legally be able to use sex surrogates touches on a very real yet often ignored issue withi...
By William Monaghan, Guest Blogger
In celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, The Arc is encouraging individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to “Empow...
As part of a month-long campaign to make some noise during Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, The Arc posed an open-ended question to our Facebook audience of just over 9,000 people. We asked...
Twenty-six years ago we successfully advocated for March to be declared National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. And, there is no doubt that we have made tremendous strides to promote and ...
This time of year many people are making plans for the future, figuring out what needs to be done in the next year to accomplish their goals and work toward their dreams.
Victims of crime who have intellectual and developmental disabilities face significant barriers when accessing the justice system. This became starkly evident in a recent case from Connecticut.
Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the disability community must work to better understand the law and the many benefits it can provid...