Suspects/Offenders Issue Series: Disability Awareness Training: A Train the Trainer Program for First Responders

This webinar explores the main elements of training law enforcement, best ways to deliver training, challenges every police department encounters, and how Disability Awareness Training should be incorporated.

Everyone needs disability awareness training; this is not unique to first responders. However, a presence at situations that call for a response to challenging behaviors, alleged criminal conduct, physical and medical needs, assistance in a matter, or service and protection are imperative to the well-being and quality of life for the individual(s) first responders come in contact with. Individuals with disabilities may require response that would vary from everyday encounters. If you are not educated on this topic, results can be catastrophic.

Mr. Whalen, Chief Askey, and Captain Mann will introduce the main elements in training law enforcement, best ways to deliver training, challenges every police department has, and how Disability Awareness Training should be incorporated. They will also discuss the role of law enforcement and how it may call for a different approach when interacting with an individual with a disability and how training plays a key role in ensuring a proper response.

Session Slides