Policing & People with Disabilities Webinar Series: A Call for Procedural Justice

Join NCCJD as we delve further into the topic of policing and people with disabilities, with a focus on procedural justice as a potential solution. This is our final webinar in the 2017 Policing & People with Disabilities series that educates law enforcement and others about the various intersections that play into discrimination and violence toward people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) within the criminal justice system and how we can address the issue by examining innovative programs and potential solutions from around the country. Topics addressed on this webinar include an explanation of procedural justice, an overview of the history and current efficacy of procedural justice principles, examples of how procedural justice can impact policing practices with the disability community, the leadership philosophy that needs to be in place to encourage the use of such practices, and an interactive discussion in which panelists apply the four tenets of procedural justice to realistic use of force scenarios.

Lt. Leo Daniels, Arlington Police Department
Chief Michael Davis, Northeastern Police Department
Lt. Tarrick McGuire, Arlington Police Department
Ariel Simms, The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability