Day and Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Forensic/Sexual Behaviors

For the last 25 years the SES program at CLASS has supported individuals in a community-based, therapeutic work setting. Currently the program supports 58 individuals, both male and female, contracted through the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Disabilities, Department of Mental Health, and Rehabilitation Commission. Individuals who are forensically involved, SORB (Sex Offender Registry Board) identified, and/or exhibit dangerous behaviors present unique challenges regarding day and employment services. CLASS is a proud chapter of the Arc, The Arc of Greater Lawrence.

CLASS’s SES program employs a person-centered, data-based treatment model to provide effective vocational training and employment opportunities for adults with developmental, cognitive, mental health, and/or SORB-related, high-risk issues. The SES program structure relies on a staffing ratio of 1 to 4 and emphasizes the therapeutic value of employment for individuals with complex life experiences, psychiatric diagnoses and behavioral challenges. The SES treatment approach incorporates a multi-tiered model of universal expectations for all individuals in the program, which includes targeted group contingencies for identified issues and individualized treatment interventions designed to address significantly challenging issues. This webinar discusses an SES program overview as well as the obstacles and opportunities in providing this treatment modality.

Session Slides