National Disability Voter Registration Week Next Week!
July 16-20, 2018 is National Disability Voter Registration Week (NDVRW), organized by AAPD through the REV UP Campaign. The purpose of the week is to get people with disabilities and their families and friends, registered to vote, and educated about the upcoming election. Across the country, many chapters of The Arc in partnership with REV UP are coordinating events in their communities for NDVRW.
Check out the sample social media posts and graphics below from REV UP to help spread the word online:
Sample Posts:
It’s National Disability Voter Registration Week 2018 – get registered! #REVUP
[Your chapter’s name] is participating in National Disability Voter Registration Week this week! Visit [link to your website with event information] to learn more about our upcoming voter registration events! #REVUP
Looking for information on voting? Check out SABE’s GoVoter project to learn more about voting as a person with a disability
Sample Graphics: