A Glee-ful Start to Convention 2010

Actresses Robin Trocki and Lauren Potter, from the hit show Glee, received The Arc’s Inclusion & Image Award in recognition of their achievements in television for breaking down barriers, increasing awareness, and challenging stereotypes.
Yesterday turned into one of the most memorable days in The Arc’s history. The Arc’s celebrated its 60th year with an opening day at its National Convention. The day included a sneak peek of our new brand and logo, to be revealed to the public in March, and a visit by Actresses Lauren Potter and Robin Trocki from the hit show Glee.
The stars received The Arc’s Inclusion & Image Award in recognition of their achievements in television for breaking down barriers, increasing awareness, and challenging stereotypes. The actresses answered questions from the audience, signed autographs for people, and posed for pictures with fans. Both women said they love acting and being on the TV show Glee.
But all fun aside, both actresses and their family members, emphasized the importance of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities embracing a life full of determination, advocating for themselves all along the way. Their example is an inspiration to many.
For more photos of yesterday’s activities, see our Facebook page and our Flickr profile. And remember, you can get breaking updates from our Twitter profile, and follow the conversation via our hash tag: #thearc10.