Have you ever caught yourself or someone else casually using the R-word? You know the one—that outdated term that’s somehow still in our vocabulary. It might seem harmless, but it’s far from it. The R-word is loaded with hurt, discrimination, and a painful history. Here’s why it’s time we ditched it for good. A Word […]
https://thearc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/R-Word-Respect-375x400-1.jpg400375Jackie Dilworth/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ArcLogo_Color_Rev_PNG_WEB.pngJackie Dilworth2024-10-14 15:55:342024-12-10 14:59:23The R-Word: Why Language Matters and How We Can Do Better
FINDS (Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports)
Washington, DC - As we pause to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), The Arc recognizes that ther...
Advocates Press to Protect Americans from Frivolous Lawsuits from Insurance Co. Abuse
The Arc of the United States (The Arc), the nation’s oldest and largest advocacy group for people with intell...
Washington, DC – On Thursday, June 17 at 11:00 a.m., leading disease and disabilities advocacy groups are expected to file a formal amicus brief defending the need for the health reform law’s mini...
Washington, D.C. – Ann Cameron Caldwell, Ph.D., has joined The Arc of the United States as the new Chief Research and Innovations Officer. Dr. Caldwell will be responsible for advancing The Arc’s ...
Washington, D.C. – Thanks to a $3 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, The Arc of the United States (The Arc) is awarding grants to 45 local chapters of The Arc across the U.S. in support of a...
The Arc of the United States applauds the House of Representative’s passage of the historic health care reform legislation that is certain to rank among the top domestic legislative achievements of ...
February 5, 2010
Mr. Rush Limbaugh
1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Fl.
New York, NY 10020
Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
I am writing on behalf of The Arc of the United States (The Arc), the oldest an...
Julie Petty, Ricardo Thornton, Hannah Jacobs, Andy Imparato, Peter Berns, and Tim Shriver
We came here today to meet with Rahm Emanuel and share with him our views on the importance and impact of lan...
Washington, D.C. – The Arc of the United States (The Arc) has been invited to join a meeting at the White House today with other disabilities rights advocates to discuss the controversy around White...