The Arc Urges Swift Passage of Reconciled Autism CARES Act

September 16, 2024

Dear Member of Congress,

On behalf of The Arc of the United States, we strongly support the Autism CARES Act of 2024 (H.R. 7213). We thank House and Senate leaders and their staff for working together in a bipartisan, bicameral manner to reconcile and agree on a final bill to reauthorize and improve the Autism CARES Act.

The Arc of the United States has nearly 600 state and local chapters across the United States. These chapters provide a wide range of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), including individual and systems advocacy, public education, family support, systems navigation, support coordination services, employment, housing, support groups, and recreation. The Arc chapters are committed to improving the lives of people with IDD and their families—which includes the estimated 1 in 36 autistic children and 1 in 45 autistic adults in the United States.

The Autism CARES Act is the most comprehensive law addressing research, education, and services for individuals with Autism and their families. The Autism CARES Act, as negotiated and amended, addresses some of the most pressing needs by including research in Autism and aging, services for those with more complex needs and communication needs. Additionally, it responds to the challenges in attracting and retaining developmental pediatricians—a workforce critical to early diagnoses and access to interventions.

Again, we thank you for the tremendous work developing a bill to reauthorize this important law. With the sunset date of September 30 fast approaching, The Arc urges Members of the House and Senate to support the passage of this bill as soon as possible.


The Arc of the United States