Payan v. Los Angeles Community College District

Filed: November 8, 2024

Court: U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Overview: Amicus brief explaining that the availability of compensatory damages and broad injunctive relief is essential in safeguarding the rights of people with disabilities under the ADA, and in fulfilling Congress’s goal of promoting inclusion and ending discrimination.

Excerpt: “The availability of comprehensive remedies under Title II serves essential functions beyond merely compensating individuals who have been subjected to discrimination. These remedies play a crucial role in achieving Congress’s broader goals in enacting the ADA and ensuring the statute’s effectiveness as a tool for eliminating disability discrimination in American society. Discrimination can inflict a complex web of injuries on people with
disabilities, ranging from immediate economic losses to long-term limitations on educational and professional opportunities, as well as dignitary harms that affect one’s ability to participate fully in society. Comprehensive remedies acknowledge this reality and provide courts with the tools necessary to craft relief that truly makes injured individuals whole. Robust remedies also deter discrimination. When public entities face the prospect of significant liability for discrimination, they have stronger incentives to voluntarily comply with the ADA’s requirements.”

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