Do Your Part: Engage With Your Members of Congress

Sharing your point of view with your Members of Congress is an important part of our democracy. It’s their job to represent you and they want to hear from you! There are so many important issues at stake: affordable health care coverage, access to Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income, paid family and medical leave, funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, civil rights protections, and much more.

Do you tell your members of Congress what it takes to live an independent life in your community? Your members of Congress need to hear directly from their constituents on how these programs and laws make a difference and that they should be preserved, not cut.

Tip: Connect with your local chapter. You can find the one closest to you at

Reminder: You have three members of Congress: two Senators, who represent the entire state, and one representative in the House of Representatives. It’s your responsibility as a citizen and disability rights activist to connect with your members of Congress.

Find your Senator
Find your Representative

1. Pick up the Phone: The easiest way to tell your members of Congress how you feel about an issue, or ask their support or opposition for a bill, is to call their office.

2. Request a Meeting: In-person meetings are a very effective way to educate elected officials and/or their staff about The Arc and current issues. Contact your local chapter (find yours here) to find out if they have a meeting coming up. Often, your Senator or Representative will not be available. Request a meeting with a member of their staff. Staffers make recommendations and advise their Members of Congress regarding particular issues. Meeting with a staff member is worthwhile.

3. Attend a Town Hall: Showing up matters! Members of Congress often host town hall meetings to hear from constituents during Congressional recess. Find out if your members are hosting one at, show up, and ask them where they stand on issues that are important to you.

4. Connect Online: Do you follow your members of Congress on Facebook and Twitter? Are they posting about topics that are important to you? Comment with your opinion or tag them in your posts.