Answering the Question: What Has Medicaid Done for You?

Javi Guzman, age 17, has autism and a debilitating connective tissue disorder called Ehlers – Danlos Syndrome, type 3. He visisted with senior White House officials yesterday to talk about what medicaid cuts would mean to him.
By Linda Guzman, Assistant Director of Operations, The Arc of North Carolina
Riding the metro to the White House today, I had no idea what Javi and I would be in store for. My son Javi Guzman, age 17, has autism and a debilitating connective tissue disorder called Ehlers – Danlos Syndrome, type 3. We were going to the White House to talk to President Obama’s senior staff about how Medicaid has changed both Javi’s and my life.
What probably seemed like a simple question didn’t have a simple answer: “What has Medicaid done for you?” What is more telling is what we wouldn’t have if we didn’t have Medicaid. Without community based waivers, Javi wouldn’t be at home – he would most likely be in an institution to receive the care he needs. I wouldn’t be able to work, pay taxes, and be the citizen and mother that I am. Medicaid is our lifeline. With the services Medicaid provides, not only are Javi’s medical needs taken care of, he is learning important skills that will enable him to have the most independent and productive life possible.
I’m deeply appreciative to all those who to took time to meet with us today. I am especially grateful to Congressman David Price who stepped out of a subcommittee mark-up to listen to Javi’s and my story in the hallway, and even took an extra moment so Javi could get a picture with him.
Today showed me the strength of our voices and our stories. The officials we met with told us, “If Members of Congress could sit down with families like yours, they would stop seeing the world in dollars and cents.”
Its stories like mine and yours that will make our elected officials see things in true light, not just in spread sheets.
Join The Arc’s “Don’t Cut Our Lifeline” campaign, and make a difference.