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New Supplemental Security Income Data Brief Released

The Arc and University of Minnesota are excited to release a new Supplemental Security Income Data Brief. This brief looked at the experiences of individuals who provide supports to adult family members with I/DD who receive SSI. Consistent with other research, the brief highlights that adult SSI recipients with I/DD on average require significant levels of supports across a wide range of activities.

This data brief examines a subsample of data from the Family & Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) Community Report 2017. The intent of this one-of-a-kind survey conducted by The University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration, in collaboration with The Arc, is to understand the experiences of families who provide supports to a family member with I/DD.

FINDS respondents reported that their adult family members with I/DD who receive SSI face major unmet needs for services such as accessibility and employment support, transportation, in-home supports, specialized therapies, and medical services. Alarmingly, nearly half of FINDS respondents (48.5%) indicate that the support services in their community available to their adult family member with I/DD who receives SSI are decreasing. Learn more about FINDS and download this brief.