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57 Results

Prepared4ALL: Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning

This free course, created by AUCD, is designed to increase your knowledge about whole community emergency planning, including COVID-19 planning, as well as provide you the basic information needed to connect with your own local emergency planners, public health professionals, and community.

Talk About Sexual Violence Phase 3 Introduction

Now in its third year, the Talk About Sexual Violence project will build on its success by not only preparing health care professionals to have much-needed conversations about sexual violence with people with IDD, but to know how to use a supported decision-making lens that supports victim-centered approaches. This flyer gives an overview of the Phase 3 project focus and related information.

The Arc Maryland v. Baltimore City et al

Temporary Restraining Order on behalf of The Arc Maryland alleging that six jurisdictions in Maryland have failed to include people with IDD in Phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccine distribution in violation of the Maryland state plan and federal law.

Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm

Amicus brief explaining the heightened risks to people with disabilities and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in case challenging Wisconsin's stay-at-home order.

Achieving Healthier Futures One Step at a Time

Learn about intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and communication techniques to assist in successfully facilitating a healthy living program for individuals with I/DD.