Have you ever caught yourself or someone else casually using the R-word? You know the one—that outdated term that’s somehow still in our vocabulary. It might seem harmless, but it’s far from it. The R-word is loaded with hurt, discrimination, and a painful history. Here’s why it’s time we ditched it for good. A Word […]
https://thearc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/R-Word-Respect-375x400-1.jpg400375Jackie Dilworth/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/ArcLogo_Color_Rev_PNG_WEB.pngJackie Dilworth2024-10-14 15:55:342024-12-10 14:59:23The R-Word: Why Language Matters and How We Can Do Better
Washington, DC – As the nation has reacted with outrage to the incident in Bay Village, Ohio where a teenager with autism was doused with urine instead of ice water in a fake Ice Bucket Challenge, T...
We are pleased to announce that five chapters of The Arc were selected to pilot implementation of The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability’s (NCCJD) “Pathways to Justice” T...
The Arc released the following statement following news that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Freddie Lee Hall in the case Hall v. Florida, a death penalty case concerning the definition of in...
Washington, DC – Today, the state of Texas was scheduled to execute Robert Campbell, a man who has an intellectual disability (ID), which should have ruled out the death penalty per a 2002 Supreme C...
Washington, DC – The Arc released the following statement about the scheduled execution of Robert Campbell, an individual with intellectual disability (ID). Campbell is scheduled to be executed tomo...
By Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D.
As I thought about writing this blog, I wondered, “what do I wish that everyone could know about abuse?” My first thought was I would want everyone who is a person...
On March 21, 2014, the world will celebrate the ninth annual World Down Syndrome Day. While people with Down syndrome have made significant strides in education, employment, and independence, there is...
The Arc released the following statement in response to the introduction of S.2054, the Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act, introduced by Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and co-sponsor...
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Hall v. Florida, a death penalty case concerning the definition of “mental retardation” (or intellectual disability (ID) as it is now called) that ...