Voting is an essential part of our democracy and our right as citizens. Too often, people with disabilities struggle to be able to vote. Here are some (but not all) of the reasons that people may struggle: Polling places may not have accessible entrances, spaces, machines, or ballots. Poll workers and election officials may not […]
The Social Security Trustees have released their annual report on the current and projected financial status of the Social Security trust funds. Similar to 2013, the 2014 findings show that Social Sec...
Approximately 100 former police officers, firefighters and others were indicted this week in New York City for allegedly fraudulently obtaining Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits. The alleg...
The Arc released the following statement in response to Congressional leaders reaching a budget agreement negotiated by Senate Budget Chairman Patty Murray and House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan. The Bip...
Sunday night, CBS’ 60 Minutes aired a piece they dubbed “Disability, USA” in which they portrayed the Social Security disability programs as exploding over the last few years and in danger of ru...
This week marks the 78th anniversary of our nation’s Social Security system. At The Arc, we know that Social Security is a lifeline for over 9.6 million beneficiaries with disabilities, including m...
In the aftermath of a series recently aired on This American Life, All Things Considered, and National Public Radio (NPR) stations across the U.S. ("Unfit for Work: The Startling Rise of Disability in...
A huge buzz has come out of a story called “Unfit for Work: The Startling Rise of Disability in America” that ran last week on This American Life and this week on National Public Radio (NPR). Whil...
Many programs vital to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have been at risk over the last few rounds of budget negotiations. Right now, Social Security is in danger of cuts...
This week marks a great victory for disability advocates across the country. The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) announcement of its proposal to stop using the term “mental retardation” a...